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Zimmer Persona Knee Implant

Zimmer Persona Knee Implant class action lawsuit, attorneys filing claims now.

Zimmer, one of the largest orthopedic-device makers, is coming under fire with their Persona knee uncemented replacement device. Thousands of people rely on the technology of companies like Zimmer in their older age, and weakening bones. Zimmer created its first knee replacement device in 1968, and since then has revealed several different implants.

Find out if you qualify for compensation by taking the Knee Replacement Claims Evaluation at:

Symptoms of a loose Zimmer knee implant – uncemented version

There have been several reported complications involving the Persona Knee system.

  • Stiffness
  • Knee pain
  • Limping
  • Decreased range of motion in joint
  • Difficulty putting weight on the knee

Reported side effects from the implant:

  • Swelling of the knee
  • Severe pain
  • Bruising and infection around the knee

Persona Recalls

As stated in the FDA website’s recall notice, Zimmer’s caution and concern regarding loosening and radiolucent lines pertained to the Persona Trabecular Metal tibial component only.

Persona Zimmer Knee Replacement

If you, or someone you love, had a Zimmer Persona knee implant, you may qualify for financial compensation.

Contact us today at 1-800-214-1010.

Zimmer knee form


Zimmer Persona uncemented knee recall lawsuit claims & settlements page updated on March 17, 2016.