Byetta Lawsuit Claims and Settlements

Breaking March 27, 2019 — With many Byetta lawsuits stacked up in federal court that were to be dismissed, a federal appeals court has overturned the December 2017 decision and remanded all cases back to U.S. District Judge Anthony Battaglia in the Southern District of California.  This means the court could start hearing pending cases by 2020.


People who have type 2 diabetes face a medical struggle that can be overcome if they take the proper steps to do so.  This is a health condition that can be managed and its effects minimized if people eat a healthy diet, follow a program of reasonable exercise and of course take medication to manage their blood sugar levels.  All of this is usually done with the help of a doctor, but the medications that have hit the market in recent years has helped many people get on top of type 2 diabetes and live relatively normal and healthy lives.

Byetta is an anti-diabetic drug that is similar to the hormone in your body (incretin). It works by increasing insulin release and decreasing the amount of sugar your liver makes. In addition, it slows down food ingestion in your stomach and the amount of sugar absorbed from food. It belongs to a class of drugs known as incretin mimetics, which work by lowering glucose levels.

Byetta and Pancreatic Cancer

Back in 2011, concerns that Byetta ran the risk of causing pancreatic cancer began to emerge. In a study published in Gastroenterology, it was reported that the use of Byetta increased the risk of pancreatic cancer by almost three-fold. By 2013, the FDA was investigating Byetta and other incretin mimetics. Now it’s 2018 and this concern is back in the law firms sites.

One of the leading type 2 diabetes medications to hit the market in recent years is known as Byetta, and for a time it was hailed as a success by the pharmaceutical profession and the patients who used it.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before reports of alleged Byetta side effects began to arise and people who were using it became quite concerned even if they were not harmed by it.  Below is an overview of this medication, and anyone who has suffered as a result of using it should contact the Byetta side effects lawyers at National Injury Help to schedule a free initial consultation.

Byetta Pen

Byetta is manufactured by Amylin Pharmaceuticals and it was originally approved for use by type 2 diabetes patients in the United States by the FDA in 2005.  Byetta was so successful that it was one of only three medications that Amylin was producing when it was acquired by Bristol-Myers Squibb in 2012 for $5.3 billion.  This drug helps lower the blood sugar levels in patients and its delivery is somewhat unique.  While it must be prescribed by a doctor, patients can administer it themselves by way of a subcutaneous injection.  Since the injections were manufactured in the form of a device that looked like a pen, a common name for it was the Byetta Pen. Byetta Pen Lawsuit

Byetta comes in a prefilled injection pen and a user manual showing how to use the pen and insert injections. While this is a popular way to administer the medication, patients should not use the Byetta pen if they are not aware of how to properly dispose of used needles and syringes.

Byetta is usually injected twice a day, before breakfast and dinner. It is important to use the pen within 60 minutes before eating a meal. Never use Byetta after eating a meal, and injections must be at least 6 hours apart.

Common Byetta Side Effects

Eventually, reports of alleged Byetta side effects began to emerge, and these side effects generally dealt with threats to patients’ pancreases and livers.  Specifically, pancreatitis was linked to the use of Byetta and some patients alleged that they had been diagnosed with liver cancer as a result of using it.  Anyone who experiences any strange symptoms should immediately seek a full medical evaluation.  Examples of common symptoms associated with Byetta side effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Tender abdomen
  • Abdominal pain radiating to the back
  • Indigestion
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Jaundice

Perhaps what’s most dangerous about these alleged Byetta side effects is that some people have not experienced any outward symptoms before being diagnosed.

Byetta and Weight Loss

Byetta can cause unexplained weight loss in patients who take the drug regularly. In a study that divided 152 obese men and women into two groups, around 25% had impaired glucose tolerance, which can be a precursor to diabetes. One of the groups received 10 micrograms of Byetta twice a day, while the other was given a placebo. Both groups were put on a diet and exercise program for 24 weeks.

After six months, the group taking Byetta lost three times more weight than those taking the placebo. Participants taking Byetta lost about 11 pounds, to the placebo group’s 3.5 pounds. While the drug can be helpful to obese patients, unexplained weight loss can be dangerous for average weight patients.

Byetta Lawsuit

In the lawsuits against Byetta and the manufacturer, the plaintiffs claim that the warnings on the Byetta label are inadequate. They fail to alert medical providers and patients to the risks associated with the drug. Defendants are claiming that if they had known the risks, they would not have taken the drug to begin with.Byetta lawsuit claims

Most of the Byetta lawsuits deal with the severe side effects of pancreatic and thyroid cancer. Several of these lawsuits have been settled, but hundreds still remain pending at the federal court level, and more victims continue to step forward.

If you or someone you love has suffered in any way as a result of using this type 2 diabetes medication, you need to take action.  You can do so by seeking the help of our Byetta lawsuit claims attorney & lawyers who have been holding corporations across the United States accountable for the harm they have inflicted on consumers for decades.  Contact National Injury Help, today to schedule a free initial consultation.


Questions & Answers about Byetta 

What is Byetta used for?

Byetta is prescribed to diabetics to increase their insulin levels. This helps lower their blood glucose levels. 

What are the side effects?

The more severe side effects include acute pancreatitis, thyroid cancer, and pancreatic cancer. The later of the three is by far the most lethal. 

What is the link between Byetta and pancreatic cancer?

One of Byetta’s effects on the pancreas is a proliferation of beta cells. This is an unexpected outcome given that beta cells produce insulin. Byetta has been known to cause a type of cellular proliferation in the ducts of the pancreas that can lead to the formation of tumors. These tumors are usually malignant. 

Has the FDA warned the public about Byetta side effects?

In 2007, the FDA warned the public that acute pancreatitis had been found in 30 Byetta users. The next year, several cases of hemorrhagic pancreatitis were detected (two of the patients passed away from the disease.) 

By 2009, the FDA cautioned doctors that Byetta might cause altered kidney function and renal failure in certain patients. In 2013, the FDA alerted the public that they would be conducting a safety review to investigate whether Byetta might trigger precancerous changes in the pancreas. 


Byetta Lawsuit Claims Attorney & Lawyer – Byetta page updated on March 27, 2019.