Essure Lawsuits 2018
We have been fighting for the rights of Essure survivors since 2013!
Because we feel strongly that Bayer HealthCare rushed this product to market and the FDA did fast-track the process, women have been the unwilling victims of profit over safety. We intend to hold Bayer Healthcare responsible for the pain and continued suffering of thousands of women who have had the Essure Contraceptive device implanted. If you, or someone you love, has had the Essure Birth Control device and has had ANY adverse side effect we’re on your side. Contact our lawyers and attorneys today for a FREE case review. Doing so will provide you with the knowledge that you need to make a sound decision regarding how you should proceed through this difficult time.
The lawyers at National Injury Help are currently investigating Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Essure product. There may be substantial cash awards and claim settlements for victims of the Essure Implant device. All potential cases are handled individually. We have updated the number of adverse reports from the latest numbers from the FDA, please see below.
What is Essure Birth Control?
Essure is a type of permanent contraceptive implant made by Bayer and has been on the market for about ten years. Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals claims that this device is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy, and mentions that it’s the only device that you can get with a non-surgical procedure.
The device is a small metal polyester coil that once placed into a woman’s fallopian tubes makes her completely and permanently sterile. It acts by creating an inflammatory response in the body which creates scar tissue and basically blocks the fallopian tubes passage way.
Recently, news stories have reported problems women have had once they’ve had the device inserted.
FDA Response to Serious Side Effects & Complaints
The FDA approved the device in 2002 after a fast-track review process. The FDA, in a redacted study, has now counted 5,019 adverse affects and problems related to Essure.
The original manufacturer, Conceptus, was acquired by Bayer HealthCare, which continued to heavily market the device. Bayer says that the product is in use in 23 countries and there may be as many as 750,000 devices currently in use. It is unsure of how many women in the U.S. have the device.
Bayer HealthCare is now being accused of possibly having provided fraudulent clinical trials of Essure to the FDA. 17 women, who were part of the trials, have now joined forces and created a consumer advocacy group on Facebook,, with 34,724 members as of August 2017.
Victims Speak Out Against Essure Problems
In a New York Times article posted May 5, 2015, one 42 year old woman was quoted, “If I had any idea of the possible consequences of Essure, I would never have chosen it.” She experienced severe pain and nonstop bleeding for two years after receiving the implant in 2009. Her doctors found the device had broken apart and lodged in her uterus. She underwent surgery to have the broken bits removed.
Essure Side Effects List
Many of the women affected by Essure are speaking out against the birth control device. Some of the more serious side effects include:
- painful menstrual periods
- vaginal bleeding
- perforated fallopian tubes
- expelled device
- migrating of the device
- extreme pain during intercourse
FDA Reports on Essure Problems – The Numbers Don’t Lie
The FDA conducted a search of the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database.
From Nov. 4, 2002, Essure’s approval date, through December 31, 2016, the FDA received 14,919 reports of adverse events related to Essure.
The most frequently reported adverse events with the Essure Implant were:
Pain/abdominal pain: 10,746
Patient-device incompatibility: 2,402 (nickel allergy)
Migration of the device: 1,485
Headache: 4,396
Heavier menses/menstrual irregularities: 5,377
Fatigue: 3,560
Weight fluctuations: 3,270
Device breakage: 617
Pregnancies in patients with Essure
The FDA has received 1,077 reports that included 1,113 pregnancies in patients with Essure. Some reports contained information on multiple pregnancies. Of the total pregnancies reported: 253 live births were reported; 386 did not indicate whether the pregnancy resulted in a live birth or pregnancy loss; and 474 pregnancy losses were reported.
Among the 474 pregnancy losses reported: 138 were reported as ectopic pregnancies; 75 were reported as elective terminations of pregnancies, and 261 were reported as other pregnancy losses.
Essure Birth Control Claims Evaluation
If you, or someone you love, has had the Essure Birth Control device and has had ANY adverse side effect we’re on your side. Contact our lawyers and attorneys today for a FREE case review. Doing so will provide you with the knowledge that you need to make a sound decision regarding how you should proceed through this difficult time.
Essure Claims Center Form – click the banner below to see if you qualify:
Three recent questions about Essure lawsuits people are asking us.
How much can you sue for an Essure lawsuit?
How much compensation would I get from an Essure lawsuit?
How much is the settlements from an Essure lawsuit?
The answer to these questions can be difficult to predict, as the possible MDL for this hasn’t started yet. There is still time for join in this Essure lawsuit, but there are statutes of limitations that apply.
Some of the past defective medical device lawsuits have had millions of dollars in a compensation fund, and then that is divided up between all who have joined the lawsuit. Example: $50,000,000 in a settlement fund that would serve 1,000 victims would be $50,000 per person. This is only an example and does not represent what may happen for Essure.
Essure Lawsuits available in these States:
Alabama (AL), Alaska (AK), Arizona (AZ), Arkansas (AR), California (CA), Colorado (CO), Connecticut (CT), Delaware (DE), Florida (FL), Georgia (GA), Hawaii (HI), Idaho (ID), Illinois (IL), Indiana (IN), Iowa (IA), Kansas (KS), Kentucky (KY), Louisiana (LA), Maine (ME), Maryland (MD), Massachusetts (MA), Minnesota (MN), Mississippi (MS), Missouri (MO), Montana (MT), Nebraska (NE), Nevada (NV), New Hampshire (NH), New Jersey (NJ), New Mexico (NM), New York (NY), North Carolina (NC), North Dakota (ND), Ohio(OH), Oklahoma (OK), Oregon (OR), Pennsylvania (PA), Rhode Island (RI), South Carolina (SC), South Dakota (SD), Tennessee (TN), Texas (TX), Utah (UT), Vermont (VT), Virginia (VI), Washington (WA), Washington DC (DC), West Virginia (WV), Wisconsin (WI), Wyoming (WY)
Essure Support Groups and News Sites
The following websites were found during the research for this page:
New York Times Article:
Erin Brockovich’s Communication site.
Essure Lawsuit Claims & Settlements page updated on December 11, 2018 for lawsuit updates.