Testim testosterone gel linked to possible health risks for men.

The health risks associated with Testim testosterone gel have been well-publicized. Those risks include a number of cardiovascular issues, such as blood clots, DVT, heart attacks and strokes.
More troublesome were reports of accidental exposure to women and children. Included in the prescribing flyer from the manufacturer we found this statement: “Strict adherence to the following precautions is advised in order to minimize the potential for secondary exposure to testosterone from Testim-treated skin: Children and women should avoid contact with unwashed or unclothed application site(s) of men using Testim.”
What is Testim Gel?
Testim is a topical gel testosterone treatment from Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., headquartered in Norristown PA. Testim 1% testosterone gel is supplied in foil-lined tubes containing 50 mg testosterone. It was first approved by the F.D.A. in October 2002 as a prescription medicine used to treat adult males that have low or no testosterone. 
If you or someone you love was harmed as a result of Testim solution, you may be entitled to financial compensation. There may be substantial cash awards from claims and settlements from a Testim class action lawsuit or multi-district litigation (MDL). Call the lawyers and attorneys at National Injury Help today to see if you qualify for aTestim gel lawsuit.
Call 1-800-214-1010 for a free case evaluation or use the form on the bottom of your screen.
Whatever the problems with the drug may be, they are apparently exacerbated by doctors who prescribe it for a host of ailments, prescriptions that ignore the limited extent of the drug’s approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is called “off-label use” and this is not recommended by the FDA.
What are the Testim Lawsuits about? – Possible Misrepresentation of Risks
The starting point for this issue is to understand that the FDA approved the drug only for hypogonadism, that is, when the testicles do not produce enough testosterone. Low T therapy has not been approved for a myriad of other conditions, including age-related decline in testosterone levels, low sex drive, muscle loss, irritability or fatigue.
FDA Testim – Gets Black Box Warning applied.
The F.D.A. on May 7 2009 reviewed research on Testim and other low-T testosterone treatments and demanded a label change to the package after reports of inappropriate virilization in children who were exposed to the drugs. An FDA black box warning is the strongest consumer warning issued from the F.D.A.
Do I Qualify for an Testim lawsuit? How do I file a claim?
The best answer to see if you qualify for a Testim lawsuit claim is to simply call us at 1-800-214-1010 and speak directly to our intake staff; they will ask you a number of questions about your use of Testim. The attorneys and lawyers at National Injury Help can help you if you’ve been harmed by taking Testim Gel. 
Four common questions about the Testim lawsuit.
- How much can you get from a Testim Gel lawsuit?
- I got blood clots or heart attack from Testim, can I sue?
- How much compensation would I get from a Testim gel lawsuit?
- How much are the settlement amounts in the Testim lawsuits?
The answer to these questions can be difficult to predict, as the class action or MDL for this hasn’t started yet. There is still time for join in this Testim lawsuit, but there are statutes of limitations that apply.
Some of the past defective drug lawsuits have had millions of dollars in a compensation fund, and then that is divided up between all who have joined the lawsuit. Example: $50,000,000 in a settlement fund that would serve 1,000 victims would be $50,000 per person. This is only an example and does not represent what may happen for Testim.
Testim Gel Lawsuit Claims & Settlements, risks of blood clots heart attack stroke page updated on April 10, 2019.