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Hearing Loss 3M Military Earplug Lawsuit Claims & Settlements

Even though the 3M brand CAEv2 Dual-Ended Combat Arms earplugs have been halted, many service people including those in the Army, Navy, Marines and other branches, service members have lost their hearing or now have tinnitus.

The U.S. Department of Defense sent out thousands of these defective earplugs not knowing they were flawed thus putting service members hearing at risk.

Since learning that 3M knew these earplugs were defective, National Injury Help is now accepting these 3M ear plug hearing loss cases.  If you or someone you know have suffered partial or full hearing loss or have tinnitus, contact us today for a free case review. You may be eligible for cash compensation from claims and settlements from this military earplugs lawsuit.  3m military ear plugs lawsuit

These 3M earplugs were used extensively between 2003 through 2015 or longer. 

These plugs were standard equipment for those that were deployed to combat service members sometime between 2003 and 2015.  Other service branches may have also received these defective ear plugs.  If you are unsure about which earplugs you have been issued, call us at 1-800-214-1010 and we can help determine which ones you may have used.

What are the payouts for the earplug lawsuits?

These lawsuits are just now being processed in various courts of law across the U.S.

Three recent questions about combat earplug lawsuits people are asking us.

  • How much can you sue for an earplug lawsuit?
  • How much compensation would I get from the 3M earplug lawsuit?
  • How much is the settlements from the combat earplug lawsuits?

The answer to these questions can be difficult to predict, as the possible MDL (Multi-district lawsuit) for this hasn’t started yet. There is still time for join in this 3M earplug lawsuit, but there are statutes of limitations that apply.

Some of the past defective device lawsuits have had millions of dollars set in a compensation fund, and then that is divided up between all who have joined the lawsuit. Example: $100,000,000 in a settlement fund that would serve 1,000 victims would be $100,000 per person. This is only an example and does not represent what may happen for these 3M earplugs.

3M knew about the failed safety tests of the CAEv2 Dual-Ended Combat Arms earplugs.

3M now has to pay a large $9.1 million dollar fine brought to light by a 3M employee who went public with internal ear plug testing information.  The original earplug design was provided by Aearo Technologies which may have known as early as 2000 that the designs were flawed in various tests.  3M didn’t re-design these plugs, they simply sold them to the Department of Defense.

Assistant Attorney General Chad Readler made this statement: “Government contractors who seek to profit at the expense of our military will face appropriate consequences.”

What is the problem with 3M brand CAEv2 Dual-Ended Combat Arms earplugs?

The problems with 3M brand CAEv2 Dual-Ended Combat Arms earplugs are that they are too short for active and real protection.  If the earplugs can’t be inserted correctly or doesn’t fit right, then they simply don’t work.

Filing a 3m military earplugs lawsuit | How to submit a claim.

Again, if you are unsure about the brand of ear plug you were issued we can help. The steps to filing a 3m military ear plugs lawsuit begins in two ways.

Either call us direct at 1-800-214-1010 or use the contact form on this page.  We are actively seeking military members who have either lost their hearing, suffering from partial hearing loss or have tinnitus (ringing in the ears) we’ll get your earplug lawsuit claims started immediately.military ear plugs lawsuit

Questions we will ask in filing your military earplugs lawsuit may include:

  1. 1. Did you or a loved one serve in the military from 2003 to 2015?
  2. 2. Were you or the service member issued earplugs during service?
  3. 3. Has the service member been diagnosed with total hearing loss or tinnitus?

You can also begin the defective 3M earplug claims process here

3m military earplugs lawsuit page updated for payouts and settlements on June 24, 2019.