Posted by: dhendricks, in: Dangerous Drugs ,

PPI lawsuitDec. 23, 2016 – San Diego, Ca — The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation is set to hear oral arguments next month from plaintiffs who want their proton-pump inhibitor lawsuits consolidated into a multidistrict litigation (MDL).

Proton-pump inhibitors, or PPIs, are popular heartburn medications used regularly by millions of Americans. Nexium, Prilosec, and Prevacid are well-known brand-names of PPIs.

Plaintiffs in the lawsuits allege their use of these medications caused them to develop serious kidney problems, including chronic kidney disease, and that their manufacturers failed to adequately warn about their potential risks.

At least three manufacturers of PPIs were named in the lawsuits, including AstraZeneca, which manufactures Nexium and Prilosec, and Takeda Pharmaceuticals, which manufactures Prevacid.

Plaintiffs first petitioned the MDL Panel to consolidate their lawsuits back in October, saying their cases shared common questions of fact and that it would be “appropriate and necessary” to centralize them.

They asked the panel to centralize the cases in the Middle District of Louisiana, where at least one action was pending.

At the time of the plaintiffs’ original filing, there were about 15 lawsuits pending in different districts nationwide. There are now about 30 lawsuits pending in about 18 different districts, according to a case search conducted on PACER.

The MDL Panel will consider whether or not to consolidate these cases at their next hearing on Jan. 26, 2017 in Miami, Fla. Oral arguments begin at 9:30 a.m. local time.

The case is In Re: Proton-Pump Inhibitor Products Liability Litigation (MDL No. 2757).

Further reading | Proton Pump Inhibitors

You may be interested in the following articles about PPIs:

America’s most popular drugs are overprescribed and making us sick

Should the FDA reconsider its stance on PPIs and heart problems?

New study links heartburn meds to increased risk of stroke

Popular heartburn meds may cause serious health problems in people with cirrhosis, new study finds

PPI Lawsuits

People who took proton pump inhibitors and developed chronic kidney disease have begun filing lawsuits against the makers of these popular drugs.

The lawsuits allege these popular medications caused plaintiffs’ chronic kidney disease and accuse the makers of failing to adequately warn about their potential risks.

If you or a loved one took a proton pump inhibitor and suffered serious kidney damage, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact the National Injury Attorneys, LLC today at 1-800-214-1010 for a free case evaluation and to see if you qualify for a PPI Lawsuit, or use the form on the right-hand side of your screen.

Posted by: dhendricks, in: Dangerous Drugs ,