Posted by: dhendricks, in: Category One ,

Since investigating how men’s clubs work across the nation we found some disturbing facts and trends in this industry.

Let’s first look at one club in particular from a previous blog post here.

Across the United States, most strippers are employees lied to by their bosses, who tell them they are independent contractors or lease holders. Under these mislabels, they experience difficulties in attaining Title VII protections, healthcare, workman’s compensation, retirement benefits, the ability to unionize, bread and roses and a host of other benefits available only to employees. In addition to lying bosses, the strip club industry is rife with scabs.

Strippers are taking action.

Strippers are suing their workplaces for the recognition of their employee status and all of the protections that come with it.  Strippers of the world are starting to unite! Find out at:

For as long as dancers have existed, they’ve been considered independent contractors. Most even sign a waiver saying we agree that we are independent and not actual employees.

There’s just one small problem with that scenario; dancers ARE employees. The majority of US clubs employ dancers by keeping them on strict schedules and having them follow strict rules; two major identifiers that actually make them unpaid employees.

Tips on protecting your wages –if you choose to go to court.

Keep track of the following and keep records.

1. Days worked, shown in a calendar.
2. How many hours you have worked per shift including time taken to dress, do your makeup, time spent cashing out and tipping any staff members.
3. Record any hours worked overtime.
4. Keep track of any purchases made in the club that are for resale, items may include cigarettes, cigars, promotional items, shirts or any other promotional materials.
5. Please keep any and all receipts (if provided) showing you paid for “stage fees”, “house fees” or any other so called use fee.
6. Keep any and all rules posted (take a picture if on a wall), or contracts you signed during the audition or after.
7. Note what the minimum wages are in your state, these will vary state to state, and may be different per city.

Want to sue your club? Don’t be afraid to exercise your rights!

You can change your employee status, and you do NOT need to be afraid.  You can get fired from jobs at which you are employed.  Independent contractors aren’t employees.  Sue your club owner if you feel taken advantage of.  Get rid of the schedule…KEEP YOUR JOB!

Visit to start the process, it cost nothing to join.



Posted by: dhendricks, in: Category One ,