Posted by: dhendricks, in: Defective Products ,

December 9, 2014 San Diego, CA

Julie (not her real name) is a woman in her mid 40’s, active and healthy for the most part. One time while at yoga class she felt a pain in her pelvic area.

Unsure of what the problem was she spoke to her doctor who diagnosed it as Pelvic Organ Prolapse also known as POP. A condition where her bladder dropped and now pushes against her vagina, this can happen from a number of different reasons, many times caused by child birth or other surgeries.


Her doctor monitored her condition for a few months, and Julie continued to have pelvic pain and then started to have incontinence problems, a very embarrassing situation to be sure. What could she do? Should she consider a transvaginal mesh implant surgery?

Types of Transvaginal Implants

He doctor informed her of a few different types of vaginal mesh products that might help her pelvic organ prolapse problem – even though some of these products are being scrutinized at by the FDA. Source:

Time for a Transvaginal Mesh Surgery?

She chooses to undergo a very delicate surgery to have a mesh implanted. It wasn’t more than four months after having surgery that she started to feel that something was just not right. She suffered from a bleeding episode that was caused when the mesh eroded through her vaginal wall.

She’s not the only woman who has had problems with the vaginal mesh products; she learned that this was a fairly common problem in others who had this type of surgery.

Now faced with having to go through a secondary mesh surgery, she had no recourse but to go under the knife again. Her second vaginal mesh surgery removed the part that had split apart and caused the bleeding.

Seeking a Vaginal Mesh Lawyer

When she started to do more research into the problems with her vaginal mesh, she quickly found out that there is the possibility of a very large class action lawsuit taking place with substantial monetary payouts for women who have suffered from these devices. Some of the women have been awarded millions in damages. Because of the impending class action lawsuits forming, some mesh manufactures have set aside large sums of money. Recently Endo International PLC, owner of American Medical Systems (AMS) will now pay close to $1.2 billion dollars to resolve transvaginal mesh claims.

What do if you’ve been hurt from a vaginal mesh.

Find out if you qualify for Cash Compensation by taking the Free Women’s Vaginal Mesh Case Review.

Contact us today at 1-800-214-1010.

Transvaginal Mesh form

If you or a loved one has suffered due to a transvaginal mesh complication and/or would like to speak with a transvaginal mesh lawyer, feel free to contact Hood National Law Firm right now at: 1-800-214-1010 where live agents are available to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

Vaginal Mesh Lawsuits in these States:

Alabama (AL), Alaska (AK), Arizona (AZ), Arkansas (AR), California (CA), Colorado (CO), Connecticut (CT), Delaware (DE), Florida (FL), Georgia (GA), Hawaii (HI), Idaho (ID), Illinois (IL), Indiana (IN), Iowa (IA), Kansas (KS), Kentucky (KY), Louisiana (LA), Maine (ME), Maryland (MD), Massachusetts (MA), Minnesota (MN), Mississippi (MS), Missouri (MO), Montana (MT), Nebraska (NE), Nevada (NV), New Hampshire (NH), New Jersey (NJ), New Mexico (NM), New York (NY), North Carolina (NC), North Dakota (ND), Ohio(OH), Oklahoma (OK), Oregon (OR), Pennsylvania (PA), Rhode Island (RI), South Carolina (SC), South Dakota (SD), Tennessee (TN), Texas (TX), Utah (UT), Vermont (VT), Virginia (VI), Washington (WA), West Virginia (WV), Wisconsin (WI), Wyoming (WY)

Posted by: dhendricks, in: Defective Products ,