Posted by: dhendricks, in: Dangerous Drugs ,

July 10, 2015 — San Diego, CA

Risperdal Lawsuit Claims & Settlements

The National Injury Attorneys, LLC is currently investigating possible Gynecomastia, male breast growth, in young boys prescribed with Risperdal for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Risperdal (Risperidone) is manufactured by Johnson & Johnson.

Risperdal Reviews

Through our investigation, we found several reviews of patients’ experiences taking Risperdal. You can read them here:

“The drug worked well for the psychotic symptoms of schizoaffective disorder. The main problem was my breasts (and any area that had fat deposition my body) became very sensitive and tender and sore. Maybe a bit weird, but then I started lactating and I decided to try something else. Sad actually– because the psychotic symptoms went away at a relatively low dose.”

“This medication was given to my mother after my sister moved in with her with her adult son, one that my mother did not want in her home because he had stolen from her. When she could not get him out of her home she began showing severe anger about it and she and my sister were fighting about it every day. My sister took her to a doctor that specialized in dementia but instead of telling the truth why my mother’s anger and behavior was so out of control, this doctor, who had never seen or treated my mother before, prescribed this medication. This medicine completely changed my mother from an active person to a bedridden person that had to be taken care of like a baby. She refused or wasn’t able to function as a normal person. When another sister and I got involved and learned of the medicine she was being given we told my sister to stop giving it to her, which she did and my mother returned to her old self but with the same problems, the anger over my nephew living in her home, so the arguments started again and my sister, to keep my mother in a vegatated state put her back on it and that was the beginning of the end of my mother’s life. My sister and I tried getting guardianship over my mother but with all the red tape and lack of money to fight it in court we had to give it up. So after a time it took its toll and only months after giving up the fight for guardianship my mother passed away and I know this medication and my sister is what caused her death!”

“A psychiatrist put my brother on this in the hospital without my permission. He was in a vegetative state, had severe delusions and hallucinations. He is Bipolar, he was septic after surgery. He slept, lost weight, became rigid, What a horrible experience. I demanded him to be taken off of it.”

“My mother (72) diagnosed Early Alzheimers – waiting for further diagnosis as we believe it is Lewy Body Disease – this drug just about killed her – drooling, could not swallow – zombish – took approx 6 weeks to get out of her system – and get her back to herself – and we believe that the Parkinson symptoms she is now displaying could be a direct result of this drug – terrible, terrible drug!

The main negative experiences center around the off label use in dementia patients, and gynecomastia issues in young men. There are hundreds more patient reviews with detailed stories of the suffering caused by Risperdal.

Risperdal Lawsuit – How to file a Risperdal Claim

If you, or someone you love, have suffered in any way as a result of using Risperdal antipsychotic medication, you must take action. You can do so by seeking the help of our Risperdal lawsuit attorney & lawyers who have been holding corporations, like Janssen, accountable for the harm they have inflicted on consumers for decades.

Find out if you qualify for Cash Compensation by taking the Risperdal Gynecomastia Case Review.

Contact us today at 1-800-214-1010.

Risperdal form

Source: WebMD



Posted by: dhendricks, in: Dangerous Drugs ,