June 9, 2017 San Diego, CA — Essure has been making headlines ever since thousands of women began speaking out against the permanent form of birth control and the serious side effect of device migration. Learn more about the controversial contraceptive that has both patients and lawmakers fighting to get it pulled from the market. Read about the pending 2017 Essure lawsuits here.
What is migration of the Essure device?
Device migration is a relatively common adverse events reported by women who have problems with the device. When the Essure device migrates, it means the device moves from the proper place of insertion inside the fallopian tubes. Sometimes, the device moves only slightly from its intended position; in other cases, the device may migrate completely out of the fallopian tube into the uterus or the abdominal cavity. This usually happens when the doctor inserts the coils too far into the fallopian tube or not far enough.
Symptoms of device migration include:
- Abnormal bleeding
- Abdominal pain
- Lower back pain
- Tiredness
- General feeling of discomfort, illness
- Nausea, vomiting
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
According to the abstract in its “Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology”, from Hindawi Limited based in the UK:
The Essure device is a method of permanent sterilization widely used in the US that has proven to be safe and effective in most cases. However, there have been reports of device migration that have led to failed tubal occlusion as well as several other serious complications resulting from the presence of the device in the abdominal cavity.
Case. This paper represents two cases of failed tubal occlusion by an appropriately placed Essure device without signs or symptoms of further complications related to device migration. Conclusion. Although there have only been 13 reported cases of abdominal device migration since November 2014, this case indicates that the actual number may be higher than reported since it is possible for migration to occur without additional complications. In the majority of reported cases of abdominal migration a major complication requiring surgical correction occurred, such as adhesions, small bowel obstruction, bowel perforation, or persistent pelvic pain. To avoid these complications it is recommended that migrating implants be removed; however, this case also represents an example of when a migrating device may remain in situ in an asymptomatic patient.
X-rays show Essure Device Migration
In this dramatic X-ray, Figure 6: Patient Number 2, postpartum pelvic X-ray 10/13/15: Essure (circled in yellow) in the right upper quadrant around the liver. The 2nd Essure insert (circled in red) is seen by lumbar vertebra.
Figure 3: Patient Number 1, postpartum abdominal X-ray 8/30/2014: Essure (circled in red) in the abdomen.
This last X-ray is the most disturbing – this is an Essure coil that has traveled all the way to the woman’s jaw.
What is Essure?
Essure is a form of permanent birth control (sterilization) that involves placing two metal coils in a woman’s fallopian tubes. Essure is the only non-surgical form of permanent contraception available today. The procedure is performed in a doctor’s office usually in less than 30 minutes.
How does Essure work?
Essure works by blocking the fallopian tubes so sperm cannot reach an egg to fertilize it. The Essure device consists of two metal coils that are inserted into each fallopian tube by a doctor. The coils cause the body to create scar tissue, which blocks sperm from entering the fallopian tubes. This process is intended to be permanent and usually cannot be reversed; women who may want more children in the future should not get Essure.
How is the Essure insertion procedure performed?
Essure is inserted into each fallopian tube by a doctor. The coils are inserted through the vagina so no incision is necessary. The doctor first inserts a small camera called a hysteroscope through the vagina, into the cervix and up the uterus until he or she can see the fallopian tubes. The doctor then passes the Essure coils through the hysteroscope and into the fallopian tubes.
The correct placement is essential in order for Essure to work as intended. About three to eight rings should extend into the uterine cavity; the rest of the coils should be inside the fallopian tubes.
How do I file an Essure Lawsuit?
Read about the pending 2017 Essure Lawsuit here. If you or someone you love has had problems related to the Essure device, act now the lawyers and attorneys at National Injury Attorneys, LLC are experienced in claims and cases involving Essure.
If you had the Essure device inserted and have experienced adverse effects, call us today for a free case evaluation at 1-800-214-1010. You may be entitled to compensation.
Use our online Essure Claims Evaluation Here.
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