November 13, 2015– More Essure women are headed back to Capitol Hill to urge lawmakers to pull the dangerous device from the market. Women from all over the country are joining forces calling themselves, “E-Sisters,” to pull Essure off the market permanently.
The women spoke with Democrats of the Capitol last week, and yesterday they met with Republicans. More E-Sisters will head to Washington next week as well. All of this effort is to urge Democrats and Republicans to support the E-Free Act, a bill drafted by Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick, that if passed, would pull Essure from the market within 60 days.
Kathyrn Frederickson, a former Essure patients, states, “Within 24 hours, I was violently ill, nauseated, vomiting, severe pain, severe bleeding, and severe cramping.” Kim Myers, another Essure victim, is frustrated with Bayer Healthcare and the FDA:
“I’ve never felt discriminated against until now. I don’t feel like were taken seriously.”
Bayer seems quite confident that their Essure device isn’t going anywhere. In a statement from the manufacturer, Bayer says:
“Bayer strongly opposes any attempts to discourage women’s access to Essure – an important, FDA-approved birth control option for women who have completed their families. It is critical that the science-based, data-driven regulatory process already in place at FDA – and not politics – guides the path forward. We are committed to working with FDA as it considers the advice of its recent Advisory Panel.” -Tara Dilflumeri, Bayer Pharmaceuticals pharmaceuticals
The Facebook group “Essure Problems” has grown to more than 24,000 members, and these women won’t be giving up anytime soon. They started out wanting answers, and now they won’t stop until they have Essure taken off the market, or at least the pre-market approval for the device revoked.
If you or someone you love is suffering side effects from the Essure Implant, contact our Essure lawyers today, click the banner below to access the Essure Claim Evaluation form.
Sources: ABC 8 News, WBAY
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