Posted by: dhendricks, in: Dangerous Drugs ,

Feb. 20, 2017 – San Diego, CA —Taxotere hair loss lawsuits are steadily being filed in Louisiana federal court following a massive spike during the holiday season.

Taxotere hair loss lawsuitThe Taxotere multidistrict litigation (MDL) added 50 more lawsuits between January and February, according to the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation’s MDL Statistics Report.

That’s after the MDL nearly tripled in size between December and January, jumping from just over 260 lawsuits to more than 700.

The MDL now totals 755 lawsuits as of Feb. 15 and the stream of cases is likely to continue.

The MDL Panel recently decided that the Taxotere MDL included complaints against both name-brand Taxotere and generic docetaxel.

Docetaxel is the generic name of Taxotere, a chemotherapy drug used to treat breast and other forms of cancer. The drug has been linked to permanent alopecia, a condition in which the hair does not grow back after chemotherapy treatment.

The MDL Panel clarified the scope of the Taxotere MDL in a letter written Jan. 4, 2017.

The panel explained that the litigation was intended to include cases against generic manufacturers, as well as the maker of name-brand Taxotere, Sanofi S.A.

The panel said the MDL included Docetaxel in its formal title, suggesting the litigation involved complaints against both forms of the drug.

The panel’s letter was in response to District Judge Kurt D. Engelhardt, who wrote to the panel for clarification on Dec. 29, 2016.

Judge Englehardt is presiding over the Taxotere litigation, which was consolidated just four months ago in the Eastern District of Louisiana.

Taxotere lawsuits accuse Sanofi S.A. and other generic manufacturers of designing a defective drug and failing to adequately warn about its risk of causing permanent hair loss.

The percentage of patients who might be affected by Taxotere-induced hair loss in not known. Sanofi used to advertise that roughly 3% of Taxotere patients could suffer from permanent hair loss, but that percentage was removed from the drug’s label several years ago.

The case is In re: Taxotere (Docetaxel) Products Liability Litigation (MDL No. 2740) in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.

Taxotere Hair Loss Lawsuits

People who undergo chemotherapy for breast cancer or any form of cancer should not have to continue suffering once treatment is over.

If you underwent chemotherapy treatment with Taxotere and suffered permanent hair loss as a result, you may be entitled to compensation.

The experienced Taxotere attorneys at National Injury Attorneys, LLC are ready to hear your story and help you file a claim if you qualify.

Call National Injury Attorneys, LLC today at 1-800-214-1010 for a free case evaluation or use the form on the right-hand side of the screen.

Posted by: dhendricks, in: Dangerous Drugs ,