September 10, 2019 – San Diego, CA. While doing internet searches on the current church sex abuse scandals we were happy to find This website is a powerful tool for exposing the names of Catholic priests and Bishops who have been either charged or investigated for sexual abuse crimes on children or adults. has been tracking abusive clergy starting as early as 2002 during the Boston Catholic Church scandal. Our mission is help victims who are pursuing their legal rights after being sexually violated at the hands of Catholic Deacons, priests and fathers.
In the next few days we will be re-telling the horror stories of survivors of clergy sex abuse, keep in mind that many of these stories may have sensitive or adult language.
Here is the List: Every abusive Catholic Church priest, clergy member named in every state in past year.
- Charles V. Cross
- John J. Ventura
- Charles Bordenca
- Kevin Cooke
- Jonathan Franklin
- Roger Lott
- Susai Arul
- Nicholas Vic Bendillo
- Joseph Brown
- Thomas J Cullen
- Vernon Dahmen
- Timothy Evans
- Gregory Furjanic
- Joseph Gill
- Robert Grabowski
- John Hardman
- James A. Havens
- Timothy Keppel
- Anthony Kiel
- Cordell Lang
- Edward Lawler
- Edward A. Leary
- Ralph McGarry
- Gerald McMahon
- Robert Michele
- Patrick J. L. Nicholson
- Robert L. Nouwen
- Norman Rogge
- John Rutledge
- Barry Ryan
- Arthur C. Schrenger
- John Alex Sherlock
- Edward Eugene Smith
- John J. Walton
- Nelson Ziter
- Rene Astruc
- Joseph Balfe
- Charles Bartles
- Robert Benish
- Jules Convert
- Robert Corrigal
- Norman Donohue
- George Endal
- Andras Eordogh
- Francis Fallert
- Francis Fox
- John Fox
- Harold Greif
- Henry Hargreaves
- James Jacobson
- Ignatius Jakes
- Paul Linssen
- Segundo Llorente
- Richard McCaffery
- William McIntyre
- Bernard McMeel
- Gabriel Menager
- Cornelius Murphy
- Francis Nawn
- Paul O’Connor
- Patrick O’Reilly
- James Poole
- Charles Saalfeld
- Vincent Scott Arnold Custer
- Patrick Savage
- Frederick Simoneau
- Joseph Obersinner
- Solomon Bandiho
- George V. Bredemann
- Joseph Cervantez Briceno
- Patrick J. Colleary
- Laurence (Lawrence) Florez
- Dale J. Fushek
- John Maurice Giandelone
- Charles Gielow
- Harold P. Graf
- Joseph John Henn
- Jose Hurtado
- Karl LeClaire
- Sung Lam
- Mark Allen Lehman
- Joseph Marcel Lessard
- Jorge Ortiz Lopez
- Saul Madrid
- Michael Minogue
- Harry R. Morgan
- Thomas J. (Bishop) O’Brien
- Maxwell “Ron” Pelton
- Henry Perez
- James S. Rausch
- Marcel Salinas
- Wilputte Alanson ‘Lan’ Sherwood
- John D. “Jack” Spaulding
- Richard Allen Suttle
- Kenneth A. Van de Ven
- John Willliam Vovko
- Donald Althoff
- Joseph Correnti
- Robert Dagwell
- Nicholas Fuhrmann
- John McDaniel
- Anthony McKay
- Edward Mooney
- Timothy Sugrue
- Robert A. Torres
California (has it’s own page here)
Capuchin Franciscans
- Gregory Beyer
- Bennett Colucci
- Ron Gilardi
- David Gottschalk
- Matthew Gross
- Julian Haas
- David Jones
- Finian Meis
- Thaddeus Posey
- Benignus Scarry
- Daniel Schartz
- Felix Shinsky
- Charles Wolfe
- Kieran T. Ahearn
- Henry A. Albeke
- Jose Daniel Alberran
- Stanley Banaszek
- Alfred J. Bietighofer
- Laurence F. X. Brett
- Charles T. Carr
- John Castaldo
- Phillip Coleman
- Jean Marie DeGraff
- Joseph DeShan
- Stephen J. DeLuca
- William Donovan
- John Draper
- Martin J. Federici
- William Fletcher
- William A. Genuario
- James Gildea
- Joseph H. Gorecki
- Richard J. Grady
- James A. Gay
- Sherman Gray
- Martin Hitchcock
- Stanley Koziol
- Bartholomew Laurello
- Joseph Malloy
- James McCormick
- Albert McGoldrick
- Francis McKenna
- L. Luke Meunier
- Joseph P. Moore
- Robert Morrissey
- William R. Nagle
- Gavin O’Connor
- Raymond S. Pcolka
- Boleslaus “Bill” Rarus
- Martin Ryan
- Gregory M. Smith
- Paul Spodnick
- John Stronkowski
- Charles W. Stubbs
- Vincent Veich
- Frank Wissel
- Gregory Altermatt
- Joseph Buckley
- Stephen Bzdrya
- Hebert Clarkin
- Stephen Crowley
- Robert Doyle
- Ivan Ferguson
- Stephen C. Foley
- Thomas Glynn
- Paul Gotta
- John Graham
- Philip Hussey
- Edward Hyland
- Joseph Lacy
- Robert Ladamus
- Felix Maguire
- Terry Manspeaker
- Richard McGann
- Daniel McSheffery
- L. Luke Meunier
- Peter Mitchell
- Edward Muha
- Howard Nash
- John O’Connor
- Louis Paturzo
- Raymond Paul
- Arthur Perrault
- William Przybylo
- George Raffaeta
- Edward Reardon
- Adolph Renkiewicz
- Joseph Rozint
- Robert Shea
- Kenneth Shiner
- Edward Tissera
- Felix Werpechowski
- Peter Zizka
- Robert W. Barnes
- Bernard W. Bissonnette
- Richard T. Buongirno
- Salvatore L. Busca
- Dennis G. Carey
- Anthony R. Caron
- Santino A. Casimano
- Roger M. Comtois
- William J. Cullen
- James A. Curry
- John F. Dority
- Thomas J. Doyle
- Edward F. Frigault
- Denis Galipeau
- Roman S. Gromala
- Paul L. Hebert
- Raymond J. Jean
- Stephen Johnson
- John A. Kozon
- Michael Krol
- Charles Many
- Vincent F. Marino
- R. Thomas McConaghy
- Edward P. McGrath
- Frank McManus
- Joseph P. Murphy
- John C. Nash
- Eugene Orteneau
- J. Lawrence Ouimet
- Joseph Owens
- Thomas Pachal
- Robert Leo Pelkington
- Paul Pinard
- Bruno Primavera
- John B. Ramsay
- Thomas W. Shea
- George St. Jean
- Patrick Sullivan
- Felix Werpechowski
Jesuits at Fairfield Prep and Fairfield University
- William B. Cahill
- Robert Cornigans
- William Cullen
- Joseph Dooley
- Francis Ennis
- Joseph Laughlin
- George McCabe
- Philip Moriarity
- Eugene O’Brien
- Lee Pollard
- Edmund Power
- James Pratt
- James T. Sheehan
District of Columbia
Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.
- Francis A. Benham
- Salvatore F. Bucca
- Raymond C. Callahan
- C. Thomas Chleboski
- Aaron J. Cote
- Joseph B. Coyne
- Russell Lowell Dillard
- R. Joseph Dooley
- John W. Eccleston
- James A. Finan
- Roger P. Gallagher
- Edward T. Hartel
- William E. Krouse
- James V. Lannon
- Paul E. Lavin
- Thomas W. Lyons
- Peter M. McCutcheon
- Arthur J. O’Brien
- Robert J. Petrella
- James J. Powderly
- Edward B. Pritchard
- Walter Dayton Salisbury
- Thomas S. Schaefer
- James A. Scott
- Timothy F. Slevin
- Alphonsus M. Smith
- Dan P. Stallings
- William M. Stock
- Ronald J. Tully
- Paul T. Twiddy
- Urbano Vazquez
- Miguel Umana Zelaya
- Richard Allen
- Norman Balthazar
- Rocco D’Angelo
- William Lau
- Hubert Reason
- Michael Rhodes
- James Russo
- Robert Schaeufele
- Keith Symons
- Charles Arnold Bartles
- Clarence Biggers
- Jacob Bollmer
- Richard Roy Boucher
- Sergio Mauricio Calle Perez
- Kenneth Joseph Cassity
- Charles G. Coyle
- Jorge Cristancho
- John Dowling
- John Douglas Edwards
- Philip Gage
- Eugene Gavigan
- Raymond Horan
- Stanley Dominic Idziak
- Michael Kolodziej
- Vincent Malatesta
- Leonard Francis Xavier Mayhew
- Rene Maynard
- Anton Mowat
- Thomas Naughton
- Joseph William Paulantonio
- Robert Poandl
- Louis P. Rogge
- Wayland Brown
- Joseph Dean
- Adolph Gail
- Lorenzo Garcia
- Eugene Gavigan
- James Harold
- Bartholomew Keophane
- Austin Martin
- Robert Murphy
- S. John Murray
- Michael O’Sullivan
- Robert Poandl
- Nicholas Quinlan
- Joseph Reilly
- Joseph Smith
- Robert Teoli
- Edward Balestrieri
- James R. Calhoun
- Robert Chlopecki
- David G. Crook
- Gerald R. Hechenberger
- Edwin G. Kastner
- Raymond Kownacki
- Eugene G. Linnemann
- Walter E. MacPherson
- Louis Peterson
- Jerome Ratermann
- William Rensing
- Alan Ruppert
- Joseph R. Schwaegel
- Gary Sebescak
- Francis Theis
- Robert Vonnahmen
- Kenneth Brigham
- Thomas Cannon
- Jeremiah Duggan
- John D. Fitzgerald
- Juan Francisco Hinojosa
- Thomas Barry Horne
- John Jordan
- George Klein
- Patrick Lee
- Robert Lutz
- Thomas Mohan
- Octavio Munoz-Capetillo
- Michael O’Connell
- Thomas O’Gorman
- Patrick O’Leary
- Paul O’Toole
- Emmanuel Pallikunnen
- Emmet Regan
- Richard Skriba
- Howard Sturm
- James Voss
- Joseph Wilk
- James Campbell
- Mark A. Campobello
- Harlan B. Clapsaddle
- Thomas Considine
- Theodore Feely
- Michael Frazier
- John C. Holdren
- William I. Joffe
- Walter E. Johnson
- Augustine K. Jones
- Peter D. Kohler
- Richard Kuhl
- Joseph M. Lessard
- Joseph J.M. Tully
- William D. Virtue
- Alvin Campbell
- Joseph Cernich
- Eugene Costa
- Robert DeGrand
- Robert Dodd
- Michael Driscoll
- Robert Eagear
- George Faller
- Ray Franzen
- Joseph Havey
- George Kromenaker
- Garrett Neal Dee
- Joseph Cullen O’Brien
- Frank O’Hara
- James Patrick O’Hara
- Daniel Ryan
- Aloysius Schwellenbach
- Louis C. Shea
- Francis Tebangura
- Walter Weerts
- Frank Westhoff
End of page 1 for Abusive Catholic Priest list. Updated on 9/12/2019
Click here for Page 2.
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