Call 24 Hours - Toll Free 1 (800) 214-1010
phone Call 24 Hours - Toll Free 1 (800) 214-1010


Dear Client,

Thank you so much for contacting our office to help with your claim. You are now one step closer to making a real difference, not only in your own life, but in the lives of so many other women.

We believe that any child affected by this drug, as well as their families, deserves to be compensated by the drug manufacturer. In addition, we aim to raise awareness so that the drug manufacturer will be forced to put warning labels on their medication or stop prescribing to pregnant women altogether. Your claim can make this happen.

What happens next:

  • We will review your information and call you as soon as we know whether or not you have a case. We will call on our direct line, which is (800) 214-1010, so keep a lookout for that number.
  • Please do not fill out other forms online. They can end up in the wrong hands and we are here to protect your information.
  • While we usually call you within 24 hours, it can take up to five business days to process your information. If we do not call you back within 24 hours, don’t worry, you are in line to be called. We are committed to getting you the help you need.

You are in good hands!

We believe that Zofran is dangerous for you and your child, but we need your help. Only you can allow us to fight for you and your newborn. If we accept your case, we will not charge you money out of pocket. We only collect if we win, and more importantly, you collect compensation for your medical bills, pain, and suffering.

If your situation is urgent and you would like to contact us directly, please don’t hesitate to call us at (800) 214-1010 between the hours of 7am-8pm PST.

If you would like to get more involved in the Zofran support community, go to our Zofran Facebook page for current updates about the drug.